Our company participates in Device Recycling
Our company is an active member of the Collective System for the Alternative Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Greece.
It is registered and complies with legislation regarding the recycling of devices under the Medical Devices Act (excluding implantable and contaminated).
The company DEVICE RECYCLING S.A. is the body responsible for the organization and operation of the Collective Alternative Management System for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Greece.
RECYCLING DEVICES S.A. has as its primary objective the achievement of the National Goals, as they are determined by European and Greek legislation, as well as the effective control of the costs of the Alternative Management of WEEE.
Participation in DEVICE RECYCLING S.A. ensures to the companies that produce, import and resell electrical and electronic equipment, their exemption from the fulfillment of the obligations regarding the Alternative Management of WEEE. imposed on them by Law 2939/2001 and Presidential Decree 117/2004, approved by the Ministry of the Interior.